
A list of all available videos can be found below. Additionally, they can be accessed from the conference program page, where they are grouped by sessions.

Master Class Presentations

John Chinneck
Search in Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
Marijn Heule
Search in SAT
Nathan Sturtevant
The Deployment of Fast A* Search

Long Paper Presentations

K. Subramani and James Worthington
A new algorithm for linear and integer feasibility in Horn constraints
Helmut Simonis and Barry O'Sullivan
Almost Square Packing
Tim Januschowski and Marc E. Pfetsch
Branch-Cut-and-Propagate for the Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem with Symmetry
Asma Lahimer, Pierre Lopez and Mohamed Haouari
Climbing Depth-bounded Adjacent Discrepancy Search for Solving Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Multiprocessor Tasks
David Bergman, Willem-Jan Van Hoeve and John Hooker
Manipulating MDD Relaxations for Combinatorial Optimization
Conrad Drescher, Markus Aschinger, Gerhard Friedrich, Georg Gottlob, Peter Jeavons, Anna Ryabokon and Evgenij Thorstensen
Optimization Methods for the Partner Units Problem
Alessio Bonfietti, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano and Luca Benini
Precedence Constraint Posting for Cyclic Scheduling Problems
Carleton Coffrin, Pascal Van Hentenryck and Russell Bent
Spatial and Objective Decompositions for Very Large SCAPs
Christian Bessiere, Nina Narodytska, Claude-Guy Quimper and Toby Walsh
The AllDifferent Constraint with Precedences
Petr Vilim
Timetable Edge Finding Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative Resources
Bistra Dilkina, Katherine Lai and Carla Gomes
Upgrading Shortest Paths in Networks
Jean-Charles Regin
Using hard constraints for representing soft constraints

Short Paper Presentations

Thanikesavan Sivanthi and Jan Poland
Efficient Planning of Substation Automation System Cables
Alessandro Zanarini and Pascal Van Hentenryck
Identifying Patterns in Sequences of Variables
Andrea Lodi, Gilles Pesant and Louis-Martin Rousseau
On counting lattice points and Chvatal-Gomory cutting planes
Emrah B. Edis and Ceyda Oguz
Parallel Machine Scheduling with Additional Resources: A Lagrangian-based Constraint Programming Approach
Gilles Pesant and Alessandro Zanarini
Recovering Indirect Solution Densities for Counting-Based Branching Heuristics
Nicolas Chapados, Marc Joliveau and Louis-Martin Rousseau
Retail Store Workforce Scheduling by Expected Operating Income Maximization
Jean-Charles Regin and Thierry Petit
The objective sum constraint

Late Breaking Abstract Presentations

Arnaud Malapert, Louis-Martin Rousseau and Christelle Guéret
A CP Approach for a Batch Processing Problem with Non-identical Job Sizes
Jenny Nossack and Erwin Pesch
Benders Decomposition for the Full-Truckload Pickup-and-Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem
Ranga Muhandiramge
Exact Branch-and-price for Fair-share Airline Crew Rostering
Stefan Heinz and Jens Schulz
Explanation Algorithms for Cumulative Scheduling
Mauro Birattari, Marco Chiarandini, Marco Saerens and Thomas Stuetzle
Learning Graphical Models for Algorithm Configuration
Andrea Rendl, Matthias Prandtstetter and Jakob Puchinger
Multimodal Home Healthcare Scheduling using a novel CP-VND-DP Approach
Michele Lombardi and Michela Milano
Neuron Constraints to Model Complex Real-World Problems
Christian Artigues, Pierre Lopez and William Mangoua Sofack
Satisfiability Test for the Energy Constraint
Tom Schrijvers, Guido Tack, Pieter Wuille, Horst Samulowitz and Peter Stuckey
Search Combinators
Henno Vermeulen, Han Hoogeveen and Marjan Van Den Akker
Solving the no-wait job shop problem: an ILP and CP approach
Willem-Jan Van Hoeve, Marcel Hunting and Chris Kuip
The Aimms Interface to Constraint Programming
Matteo Fischetti, Michele Monaci and Domenico Salvagnin
Three ideas for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
Thiago Serra
Towards a Characterization of Adaptiveness for Constraint Programming Search Design
Han Hoogeveen, Marjan Van Den Akker and Wouter Lauret
Using column generation to solve the edge coloring problem
Thorsten Koch and Yuji Shinano
Which Mixed Integer Programs could a million CPUs solve?

Closing Adress

Martin Grötschel
LP/IP Stories
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